The Sugar Factory "Crvenka" is a leading factory among the 15 sugar factories in Serbia.
Its optimum slicing capacity is 6-6500 tons of sugar beet and 1000 tons of sugar, as well as 350 tons of dried briquetted sugar beet pulp and 250 tons of molasses.
So far, the Factory has processed over 25 million tons of sugar beet and produced over 3,3 million tons of sugar.

The Sugar Factory was built in 1912-13. with the capital of the Anglo-Hungarian Stock Company.
After World War I, the Czechs bought up the stocks from Hungarians, and after World War II the Factory was nationalized.
Today, the Factory is in the process of ownership transformation in order to form a stock company again.

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Geographic location

The development of th Sugar Factory, above all, implied the expansion of its capacity.
From the original 1200 tons of sugar beet per day, its capacity is 5-6 times larger now.
At first, technology and equipment were predominantly of the Czech origin, but in the time the German ones prevailed, either with the installations produced in Germany or with the locally produced equipment under licence.

Along with the basic development, the development of supplementary production also took place.
So, since 1923. the Refinery has been producing ethanol and yeast, and since 1924. refined cube sugar as well.

Before World War II, the Sugar Factory "Crvenka" counted as one of the most modern and largest European sugar factories. It was highly electrificated and had a complete solution for waste water treatment. Furthermore, the Factory has always competent personel whom it educated itself.
today, the prodution process is controled by an installed microprocessor system.

The Sugar Factory "Crvenka" means a lot to the small town Crvenka, located in the heart of Backa, a region in Vojvodina. About 10.500 inhabitants of many nationalities live in Crvenka. The Sugar Factory is the largest industrial company in the town and it employs about 218 workers.
Following orders within former state policy, "Crvenka" invested its capital in the building of other factories, both in the town and in the Municipality of Kula.




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Airplane view of the Factory



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Production hall in the year 1913.



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47.000 t